Reproductive Health Services
Training and Education Program
Committed to Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)



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Feedback Workshops with School- Going Adolescent Students

25yearRHSTEP organized 3 (three) Feedback Workshops with School-Going Adolescent Students within the frame-work of RHSTEP's School Education Program Sessions concluded successfully scheduled in the FY July 2009-June 2010. Main objective of the feedback workshops aimed at to create and foster effective awareness-advocacy-BCC and motivation among adolescents and gate- keepers i.e. their parents, teachers, local leaders and influential personages including heads of local educational/ religious institutions and socio-cultural organizations.

The school-going adolescent students have to play a vital role in ensuring sexual and reproductive health and rights, now and in the days ahead, in their own selves and in all spheres of the society.

During the FY July 2009-June 2010, RHSTEP could accomplish its scheduled 03 Feedback Workshops with school -going adolescent students with satisfaction. The 1 st one held at Asika Manabik Unnayan Kendra, Stadium area Rangamati on 24 may 2010 , the 2 nd one held at Public Hall (Zia Hall) Khulna on 15 June 2010 while the 3 rd one at Zilla Milanayatan Parisad, Sylhet on 21 June 2010.

There were 600 selected participants attended the 03 Feedback Workshops with school-going students, Parents, Teachers, Journalists, MOs, Civil Surgeons and Superintendents of Medical College Hospitals, Consultants Gyn. & Obs. etc. besides socio-cultural representatives and leaders/heads of educational and religious institutions . These sessions were graced by the attendance of Vice-President of RHSTEP Executive Council besides Executive Director , Director and other officials of the Central Office.

The Workshops were highlighted by the presence of elites, medical practitioners ,Govt. high officials of Rangamati, Khulna and Sylhet.

Dr. Md. Abdullah, Civil Surgeon and Superintendent of Rangamati Sadar Hospital and Project Advisor of RHSTEP Rangamati clinic/center adorned the feedback workshop as Chief Guest, while Dr. Nihar Ranjan Nandi, Consultant Gyn. & Obs. Rangamati Sadar Hospital , Rangamati and Technical Advisor of RHSTEP clinic /center attended as Special Guest.
Dr. Q H Asgar Superintendent of Khulna Medical College Hospital and Project Advisor RHSTEP highlighted the feedback session in Khulna as Chief Guest, besides were attended by Mr Shahjahan Hawlader, DD FP Khulna , Dr. Md. Mannan Sheikh, MO & ADCC FP Khulna, MO Sadar Khulna, TFPO Sadar Khulna , Dr. Samsun Nahar, Associate Professor & Head of the Department Gyn. & Obs. and Technical Advisor of RHSTEP Khulna Medical College Hospital.

Prof. Mir Mahbubul Alam , Director, Sylhet MAG Osmany Medical College Hospital and Project Advisor RHSTEP added significance as Chief Guest, besides others included in the session were Mr. Iqbal Ahmed Chowdhury Director Health Sector, Sylhet, Mr. Fayez Ahmed , Civil Surgeon, DDFP Sylhet, Anesthesia, Sylhet MAG Osmany Medical College Hospital , Dr. Morshed Ahmed Chowdhury H ead of the Department Gyn. & Obs. and Technical Advisor of RHSTEP Sylhet MAG Osmany Medical College Hospital

They highly appreciated the RHSTEP initiatives anew and cogent activities along with performances at the Centers/clinics. They specially commended the valiant and significant roles being played in providing Safe MR services and ASRHR issues by the staff of RHSTEP Centers/Clinics and have been providing material services in reducing maternal and infant child mortality and morbidity.

The entire programmes of Rangamati , Khulna and Sylhet were divided into 3 (three) sessions viz., inaugural plenary sessions, discussion sessions and cultural shows.

25yearMain objective of the feedback workshops aimed at to create and foster effective awareness among adolescents and their parents teachers and other stakeholders to update and acquaint them with latest modern development and knowledge about reproductive health issues, strategies on SRHR, reduce the incidence of early unwanted marriage, unwanted pregnancy, unwanted abortion among adolescents, prevent and reduce the spread of STI /RTI/HIV/AIDS incidences and other communicable diseases, provide easy access of adolescents to available pragmatic information, Youth Friendly Services (YFS), Youth Friendly Centers (YFC) and other related services and of service providers, create favorable conditions which discourage risk -taking behaviors among adolescents, create a positive change in the behavior and attitude of the gatekeepers of adolescents (parents, teachers, community leaders, religious leaders etc) about reproductive health and rights . With –a-view to , from pragmatic outlook, ensuring better and brighter way of life and livelihood ASRHR may serve as a beacon light and guide them in the present - day challenge.

25yearThe gatekeepers participated in the Workshops highly appreciated the initiatives undertaken by RHSTEP. They asserted their views in the context that delivery of safe MR service will greatly reduce maternal infant and child mortality and morbidity besides ASRHR will serve as a vanguard in these spheres as well . The participants in the Workshops, all and sundry, unanimously voiced their urge to induct ASRHR Program in all junior medium & high schools in Bangladesh besides asked to provide sanitary napkins to all adolescent girls, to provide all needed medicines as per MOs prescriptions, to involve adolescents both girls and boys all over the country in the frame work of RHSTEP Program activities of Adolescents Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (ASRHR).

The School- going adolescent participants were divided into three groups viz., Red, Green and Blue .

The Red group participants gave their positive reactions they have learnt so far on adolescent sexual and reproductive health & rights .

The Green group participants urged for more information about adolescents sexual and reproductive health & rights. They felt the need of the service providers and urged the counselors visits twice in every month in their schools and change of views with adolescents on sexual and reproductive health & rights on various facets including access to information services besides locations of Youth Friendly Service (YFS) and Youth Friendly Center (YFC) . Eager to receive issue -based handbooks for better and updated information on ASRHR issues.

25yearThe Blue group participants in their reactions they asserted that they try to follow the guidelines as furnished in the Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights (ASRHR) workshops/ forums. They underwent learning under Education Sessions organized by the RHSTEP from time-to-time, hitherto .

The adolescent participants presented Cultural Variety Show staged mini- dramas which focused on Early marriage, Dowry and Violence against Women. These Cultural Variety Shows represented the innate lessons they derived from Education Sessions vividly and conspicuously . These were indeed impressive . Everyone present on the occasions as spectators and audiences enjoyed the cultural shows which stirred them by clapping hands spontaneously. The program ended with a bravo from the guests spectators/ audiences.


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