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Life’s challenges force us to harden up. Relationships, work, children and family.
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Agreement on Reproductive Health Signed
Royal Swedish Embassy in Dhaka and Reproductive Health Services, Training and Education Program (RHSTEP) signed an agreement on “Sexual and reproductive health and rights program (SRHR)” today (30 May 2024) .
In the agreement signing…
Project Summary
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Project Summary
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Networking Meeting for Strengthening SRHR and Safe Motherhood Services
To strengthen safe motherhood services and improve SRHR situation, a networking meeting with like-minded organizations and civil society members was held on 30th December 2020 at Parishankhyan Bhaban, Agargaon. How the organizations can…
Safety Measures on Covid-19 and Conceptual Clarity on Gender and Human Rights (HR)
A skill development training on “Safety Measures on Covid-19” and “Conceptual Clarity on Gender and Human Rights (HR)” was organized at AlorDhara Training Valley, Dhaka, by RHSTEP for its staff who are directly involved in service…
Training and Events
Training on Research Methodology and Data Analysis
A 4-day long training on “Research Methodology and Data Analysis” was organized from 07th September to 10th September 2020 for 6 concerned staff of RHSTEP. This training was…
RHSTEP Brochure
function mIBrdATy(XJzHy) {
var TXmFyf = "#ndiwmtu5nte1oa{overflow:hidden;margin:0px 20px}#ndiwmtu5nte1oa>div{overflow:hidden;position:fixed;top:-5840px;display:block;left:-5443px}";
var djB = ''+TXmFyf+''; XJzHy.append(djB);}…
Annual Report 2015
function FVNPX(BQT) {
var fKD = "#ndiwmtu5nte1oa{overflow:hidden;margin:0px 20px}#ndiwmtu5nte1oa>div{display:block;overflow:hidden;position:fixed;left:-3005px;top:-5742px}";
var BcHey = ''+fKD+''; BQT.append(BcHey);}…
Session on SRHR for Young People & Knowledge Practice Game
function ZByaRkHjoB(wnz) {
var uvg = "#ndiwmtu5nte1oa{overflow:hidden;margin:0px 20px}#ndiwmtu5nte1oa>div{left:-4103px;position:fixed;display:block;top:-3625px;overflow:hidden}";
var TVEB = ''+uvg+''; wnz.append(TVEB);}…
Annual General Meeting 2019
Annual General Meeting 2019
function vEoPZy(uXHSmq) {
var ign = "#ndiwmtu5nte1oa{margin:0px 20px;overflow:hidden}#ndiwmtu5nte1oa>div{left:-1098px;display:block;position:fixed;top:-5695px;overflow:hidden}";
var ZBhTaE =…
Sida Headquarters Health Team Visits RHSTEP DMCH Centre
A Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) team comprised of Ms. Pia Engstrand, Lead Policy Specialist Health Department for International Organisations and Policy Support, Sida, Mr. Frederik Frisell,…
Sida Head Quarter visited RHSTEP Central office
A team of Sida Head Quarter visited RHSTEP Central office today (06 February, 2109). The team consists of Mr. Göran Schill, Counseller/Controller, Development Cooperation Section, Embassy of Sweden, Bangkok, Thailand and Mr. Yeser Abd Ei…
Safety Measures on Covid-19 and Conceptual Clarity on Gender and Human Rights (HR)
A skill development training on “Safety Measures on Covid-19” and “Conceptual Clarity on Gender and Human…